Life life hacks reddit

People have been sharing their morally dubious life hacks – 15 top tips from a bunch of veritable evil geniuses

‘Microwave fish at work. Chaos ensues.’


‘Confidently stating “And you know I’m right” after presenting your argument can be surprisingly effective. People are often swayed by conviction, even if the logic isn’t entirely sound.’


‘On weekends, especially in the summer, go to your larger parks in your area and scope out the company picnics. Make yourself at home, grab a plate or two. Nobody will challenge you, they think you are probably family. When I was a starving college student living in San Diego, did this almost every weekend. Will do it occasionally when I come across the opportunity.’

‘If you’re moving out of an apartment and want to ensure you get your full security deposit back, but you know there’s some damage you can’t fix, take pictures of all existing damages right before you move in. Then, when you move out, if the landlord tries to charge you for anything, you can show them the “before” pictures and claim it was already there.’
‘Consumer a bunch of dairy and Taco Bell when you’re lactose intolerant and spend an evening with that annoying friend you don’t wanna hang out with. They will never want to hang out with you ever again.’

‘I used to play “waiter” with my little brother. He would make and serve me food. When it was my turn to be waiter, I would say I was bored of this game. It worked only twice but boy he still gets on me for that one.’
‘Need more time on a deadline? Send an email late at night with an attachment you know won’t open. The next day, apologize and send the correct one. Buys you almost a full day.’
‘Be as selfish and exploitative as possible and you will go far. I wish I wasn’t so empathetic so I could try it.’

And finally …

‘If you don’t wanna do something, don’t do it.’

There you have it. Go forth and use them at your discretion – but you didn’t hear it from us, okay?

Source Reddit u/Every-Technology-747 H/T Buzzfeed