Celebrity Russell Brand Sean Lock

Sean Lock’s devastating takedown of Russell Brand has just gone viral again and had the whole internet cheering

Russell Brand’s been making a bit of noise for himself in the last day or two with his verdict – such as it is – on what is likely to happen in the US presidential elections now that Kamala Harris is likely to take over the Democratic nomination from President Joe Biden.

There’s no need to watch but in the interests of full disclosure and all that, here’s what he had to say.

And we mention it again because it had the very welcome consequence of sending the late, great Sean Lock’s devastating takedown of Brand also viral on Twitter, and you surely won’t spend a better 21 seconds today.


And if you liked that, you’ll love this, an extended clip from the Eight out of 10 Cats episode that originally aired all the way back in 2014 (the fabulous Lock very sadly died in 2021 at the age of 58).

Not the first time it’s gone viral again and, no doubt, not the last.

‘Sean Lock was brilliant, he always nailed it.’


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Source @mrdavemacleod