US comebacks kamala harris us election

A Texan MAGA said ‘real men’ won’t vote for Kamala Harris and this dude’s A++ comeback blew the rest away

In a tactic as painfully predictable as it was desperate, it appears to have become a thing among some Republicans to suggest that if you vote for Kamala Harris – all but certain to succeed Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate – you are not a real man.

Because real men don’t respect women, obviously.

Like this person, for instance.

We hadn’t come across @GuntherEagleman before but according to their Twitter bio by are a ‘Political Commentator – America First – MAGA – Trump 2024 – Unfiltered’. So nothing you hadn’t expected. And they really were doubling down on it.

And it prompted lots of totally on-point and particularly entertaining replies.

But one in particular blew the rest out of the water.


Source @DBarkhuff