Celebrity Rosie Holt Russell Brand

Rosie Holt’s mockery of Russell Brand infuriated a certain type of fanboy and her A++ response was sheer perfection

The great Rosie Holt – go see her live here! – has been irritating all the right sort of men on Twitter after she shared a fabulous video of her in the guise of ‘friendly messiah, Rossie Boond’.

It was particularly apposite, of course, what with Brand going viral with his thoughts on Kamala Harris and the US elections, and lots of love and applause it got too.

Except not from everyone, however. A certain type of fanboy, it turned out, was unhappy, very unhappy indeed, and it just made the whole thing even better after @RosieisaHolt did this.

And again!

And here are just a handful of them.

To which the only response is surely this, from the great @RosieisaHolt herself.

Follow @RosieisaHolthere!


Russell Brand’s trending so it sent this Stewart Lee routine about him viral and it’s a minute or two very well spent

Source @RosieisaHolt