Entertainment donald trump

The mystery of Trump’s baffling Hannibal Lecter tangents may finally have been solved – and it’s delicious

Despite insisting that Joe Biden was the candidate with cognitive problems, Donald Trump has for years been prone to mixing up his words, forgetting names and places, and spouting random nonsense.

Some of his top tangential topics are –

‘Windmills’ (i.e. turbines) have killed unprecedented amounts of whales. (They haven’t)

An electric battery on a boat would electrocute people if it sank (It wouldn’t), which would be better than being eaten by a shark (We agree with that one.)

Other countries are emptying their asylums and sending those people to the US (They’re not) and an example of someone from an asylum is ‘the late, great Hannibal Lecter (Who isn’t real).

“Silence of the Lamb. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lamb? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner.

Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ as this poor doctor walked by.”

He says it so much, it’s almost a staple of his rallies now.

George Takei almost cracked the code.

But a political commentator on TikTok, Mrs Misanthrope@mrsmisanthrope2 – spotted a post from TheJan6Plaque that put the final piece of the jigsaw in place. She certainly makes a good case for the theory.

See for yourself.

@mrsmisanthrope2 #hannibal #traitortrump ♬ Big Band Jazz – Swing Era, Intense, Gorgeous(1032830) – Ponetto

“Up until now, I thought he’s really trying to fearmonger about immigrants. Well, it might not be that deep.

Is it possible that the Former Guy straight up doesn’t know that asylum has two meanings?”


Here’s how TikTok reacted to the very feasible suggestion.

To support this idea about word association, see him introducing “Tim Apple”.

Apparently, a staff member had to explain to him that stealth planes are invisible to radar not LITERALLY invisible…I don’t think this idea is far fetched at all.
Fred G. Stanford

Well he did think Coyotes, like the actual animals, were smuggling people into the country.
Godless Veteran

Just wait – someone will explain it to him and then he’ll say no one knew this.
Mr. Darcy’s Girl

Oh my, this makes so much sense. It also explains why he keeps making the link and why no one can follow his thoughts process on this.

Something that spicy was never going to stay put, and it soon found its way to Twitter/X.











There may be a bigger issue than Trump’s cognition.

Follow Mrs Misanthrope in case she works out what the windmill-whales anecdote is really about.


Donald Trump said windmills kill whales and this 27 seconds of nonsense just gets better and better

Source Mrs Misanthrope Image Screengrab, Screengrab, Screengrab