Social Media coffee wtf

This cafe uses a ‘smile sensor’ to let people in and these furious reactions didn’t just blow the bloody doors off

Telling someone to smile is notoriously a shortcut to being firmly told where to go. However it seems like a branch of GoodNews didn’t get the memo.

In a video that’s recently gone viral on social media, viewers have been outraged by the cafe’s doors which appear to only open if you flash a big beaming smile. Approach with a sulk, and they remain stubbornly closed.

Unlike X user @TheFigen_ who recently brought the video to wider attention, it seems that not everyone thinks this “should happen all over the world.” (Trigger warning – hard to believe we know but the music makes it about a million times we worse than it already is.)

As you’d imagine, the idea of combining picking up your morning coffee with forced fun has touched a nerve online. And people didn’t hold back with their disapproval.

As ever with the internet though, perhaps this video shouldn’t be taken at face value. A quick look at the GoodNews Instagram account reveals a twist in the tale.

Despite attracting a lot of (mainly negative attention) in the last few days, the clip was originally shared back in January to coincide with the most depressing day of the year, Blue Monday.

In the full video, we can see that customers are offered a free coffee if they smile at the door. It’s all part of an attempt by GoodNews coffee to cheer people up after all.


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