Life Ask Reddit

‘What do people not realize has an extremely low chance of happening?’ 23 eye-opening million-to-one shots


‘Making a living from YouTube or playing video games.’


‘Too many people think they’ll be millionaires some day.’


‘Shuffling a deck of cards and it being in the same order as any other deck shuffled since the deck of cards was invented.’


‘I was thinking earlier today I sure have spent a lot of time worried about snakes for someone who had never been bitten by a snake.’


‘Skydiving deaths. In 2019, in the U.S, there were over 3.3 million jumps and only 15 fatalities.’


‘Throwing something in a classroom is highly unlikely to hit someone, pop their eyeball out and leave it hanging on their cheek. Contrary to what teachers kept telling us in school.’


‘People handing out marijuana edibles to kids on Halloween. Literally, no one does that. No one would be careless enough to do that. That shit is expensive, and people want to get high off them.’


‘Space travel to other worlds or space colonisation in general ever being a thing. Space is kinda big and hostile to life.’


‘Becoming a professional athlete. I see so many parents grooming their kids to go pro but don’t really give them life skills so when they inevitably don’t make it, the child ends up lost in life not knowing what to do.’


‘Any one of the natural disasters big enough to create any real extinction event. Super random, rare and not likely in your life by the current projections.’


‘Becoming an Internet influencer.’

There was one very topical one that highlights what a wild ride the last couple of weeks have been…

‘One presidential candidate being shot and the other one dropping out inside of a 10 day span.’

But this pithy noughties call back was the best of all…




People are sharing their wildest workplace stories and these 25 are proper jaw-droppers

Source AskReddit Image Unsplash Rocker Sta