Life school

People have been sharing tales of when the class clown went too far and these 17 schoolmates will never be forgotten

Everybody loves a clown – especially when they can brighten up a boring school day.

But sometimes, the joking goes too way too far.

Take some of these responses to this Reddit query from @Common-Mousse-4014:

When did the class clown go too far?

Whether the following is the behaviour of clowns or sociopaths, we’ll leave up to you…


“They made a substitute teacher cry. She ended up screaming “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ARE THE FUTURE.” And the principal came in later that week to tell us she quit.”

“He snorted soil.”

“One of my class-mates had two prosthetic legs. He had a wheelchair for between buildings, crutches for top floor and climbed the stairs by holding on to the railing.

“One day, when I was carrying his crutches, some guy, who always tried, and often failed, to be funny, kicked his legs from under him. Nobody laughed. My class-mate ripped one of his crutches by the bottom tip from my hand and smacked it against the other guy’s head making him go face first against a wall. People laughed. That was definitely a teaching moment for him.”

“I remember a math class I used to have where this one guy would always say “69” was the answer to any question the teacher asked. Fed up after the 100th time hearing this, the teacher asked the guy to come to the front of the class. Our teacher then proceeded to grill him about the “meaning” of 69.

“The kid wouldn’t give straight answers and kept being vague, but the teacher persisted. He then said, “Mason…what does 69 REALLY mean? I want a detailed and SPECIFIC description of what you mean by 69.”

“By the end of it all, the kid was bawling and our class was losing it. I cannot remember laughing as hard as I did that day. The teacher thanked him and had him sit down. After that, he never sarcastically said “69” as an answer again.”

“Called in several bomb threats to the school. He’s now a firefighter.”

“He ran with a dildo in his pants, laughing maniacally, chasing female teachers and students. Note that I (maybe it was clear to others) only found out it was a dildo afterward.. until then I thought he was half naked. They made him repeat a year for this stunt.”

“Guy decided to moon his friends inside the local fast food place. Two plain clothes detectives were sitting next to him and arrested him when he did it.”


“Pulled the emergency shower in our chemistry class, flooding the biology classroom right below. He got away with it by saying that he tripped and grabbed it as he was falling.”