Life school

People have been sharing tales of when the class clown went too far and these 17 schoolmates will never be forgotten


“Pulled the chair out from under a kid as he sat down and the kid fractured something.”

“We had a kid in grade 10 who was quite big for his age. Our gym teacher was a guy in his late 50’s/ early 60’s and was definitely not a big guy. Probably 5’10 and no more than 170 pounds.

“Well this kid had been hassling this teacher all year saying that he could take him. No one took him seriously but i guess one day when we were doing sex ed my teacher had enough. He told the kid that if he wanted to go then now was his chance.

“After a few more chirps the kid got up and walked confidently to the teacher who proceeded to wrap his arms around this kid and belly to belly suplex the kid through a table. The class erupted in laughter and as far as i know the teacher didnt get in trouble for it. I dont know how he explained the destroyed table though.”

“I got a bloody nose right when a movie started and the lights were off (bloody noses were kind of common for me when I was younger). I raised my hand and tried to ask to go to the nurse. The teacher shot me down right away cause I was known for a being a bother.

“So I put my head down and bleed all over face, arms and desks. When the lights came back on I raised my head up and tired to ask to go again. Instead the girl next to me started screaming in horror.”

“I told Justice Antonin Scalia to “eat shit” on an 11th grade field trip to meet Justice Antonin Scalia in 2007.”

“Two guys stole dry ice from the chemistry lab and put it in a 2-liter bottle with water. Eventually it exploded with a loud bang in one of the bathrooms. Everyone thought there had been a murder and/or suicide and the school was put on active shooter lockdown.”


“Two guys in a math class I was in were always fucking around and messing with each other. One of them got up to go sharpen his pencil and when he walked by the other guy, he reached up, grabbed the back pocket on his pants, and ripped.

“Took the whole pants leg off. Turned into a duel between the two who at the end only had shreds of denim left. Teacher was at a loss honestly.”

“Hey everyone, I was the class clown and here’s my story. Wall of text for those who want to read it.

“At my school the 6th grade class went around on every Friday and sold ice cream treats (think popsicle, ice cream sandwiches, etc) for $1 as a fundraiser for Red Cross. All the ice creams were donated by the local grocery store.

“As a fun way to announce it, every Thursday someone from the class got to make an announcement over the PA system that the class was doing it right before day end announcements, it wasn’t too uncommon for someone to do something a little silly like a funny voice, sing the announcement, one guy strummed a few guitar chords, one played recorder before it. Innocent things. The person selected to do the announcement was random each week – but eventually everyone in the class got a turn.

“Since Kindergarten I had been DREAMING of doing something unique and I think it was in 4th grade it hit me – I’m gonna use an Air Horn after I saw I could buy one at the Dollar Store for $8. Finally come 6th grade and I had been waiting and waiting for my week to come up and it finally did.

“Got my mom to drive me to the dollar store “so I could buy a toy” with the Christmas money I got. She let me go in on my own to most stores at this point so she never even noticed what I bought. I put in my backpack that night and the next day when it came time for announcements my teacher gave me the hall pass and sent me down on my own as we were old enough to get to the office without getting lost. Stopped at my locker and grabbed the air horn that was luckily small enough to fit in my pocket.

“Went to the office and walked up to the secretary told her why I was there – as she turned to grab the PA phone and dial the page number I reached in grabbed the Air Horn and let it go.

“Made the announcement quick, and handed the phone back to the secretary who was in shock and left before she could say anything. Walked back to my class room (somehow no one was in the hallways) came back to a class room with all my friends applauding it and a teacher who really had no clue how to deal with it but said we’ll talk after class (we didn’t cause I think he still didn’t know how to deal with it).

“Turns out, the PA system AMPLIFIED the air horn even louder. Which made all the kids from kindergarten to grade 2 cry and sent one special Ed student into a seizure and another into a panic attack.

“To anyone who attended Westlock Elementary School in 2010, I’m sorry.”


“Well… He decided that throwing yeast in the toilet would be a good idea…

“P.S when yeast is mixed with shit, the shit starts to rise VERY sharply. As a result, the whole ROOM was in shit…”

“He (successfully) took of his underwear in class without taking off his pants but sprained some muscle in his leg.”

Source: Reddit/Common-Mousse-4014