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Hannah Fry has shared an eyebrow-raising graph about who men and women find the most attractive, and the comments are a riot

Everyone’s got a type. But when it comes to men and women, it seems like there are broad trends in terms of what people find attractive – and that’s supported by a graph that mathematician Hannah Fry recently shared on her Instagram page.

In a video where she breaks down data gathered by dating website OKCupid, it seems that age is a key factor in what men and women consider when picking a partner. The results are …startling, to say the least.

Even Hannah Fry was left somewhat speechless by what she discovered. See for yourself.

As Fry herself says, the data doesn’t lie. Women broadly tend to go for men roughly in their age bracket, whereas men have a preference for ladies in their early twenties, no matter how old they themselves get.

If this graph looks familiar to you, that may be because it’s been around for a while now. In fact it was originally published in a book called ‘Dataclysm: Who We Are’, which was written by OkCupid founder Christian Rudder.

But when someone with Hannah Fry’s audience shares a graph like this, the internet discovers it and gets outraged by it all over again. You only have to head to the comments to find armchair data scientists attempting to put their spin on the results.

Here are some of the best theories and replies:

@hochus_pocus: “Not all men” okay but like a statistically significant sample.

@caldown: I recently went back to uni as a 34 year old and I used to think I seem young but holy shit a 20 year old is SO YOUNG. Have any of these 40 year old men spent time with a 20 year old?

@wolfmanclarkson: I just did the back of the envelope math on how many men going that low it takes to counter outliers like me who prefer women within a small radius of my own age (I’m 45 and my range is about 5 years either direction) and the thought made me sick. My kid is 24. The idea that men my age on average prefer women younger than my child is disturbing.

@rosesinister: Men want objects, women want partners.

@alecgargett: Haha. Humans are funny. It reminds of how women who are 6′ foot prefer guys over 6 foot and women who are 5”4″ also prefer guys over 6 foot.

@numpy_with_ros2: The missing piece of data is the demographic of the men that used ok cupid.

@thejacobjiby: Maybe De Caprio made multiple fake accounts to skew the results.

@edgarstephencuro: I don’t deny that those men exist… And don’t judge anyone for being on a dating site. But dating sites are selection bubble that’s heavily weighted towards men who cannot find women to date amongst their own existing social circles.

@mrsmenocause: Is there a chart for bears?

@urbanette: The comments from men blaming this on biology are just making excuses for their misogyny. They want a woman who’s easy to control and that they can use like a tool or a toy. That’s it. It’s patriarchal misogyny. Men who view women as equals don’t choose to be with women that much younger.

@junkdrawer23: Why are men so disappointing. Seriously. It makes me so happy to not have to center any dude anymore. I ended a very long marriage to a manbaby over four years ago. My god it has been peaceful. I get to relax finally.

@13ptx: I knew it was gonna be bad but DAMN wtf

@ruthdatruth: The killing part is that they actually believe they have a chance with said 20 year old. ‍♀️

@matthiasesch: Patriarchy, Capitalism and Pornography. Different between men thinking of women as objects, and men thinking of women as partners, lovers, real humans.

@_lauren.fair_: The way this literally made me say “Ew” out loud.

@sthomp32: The men fighting in the comments are doing every woman a favour – because THEY’RE “all men”.

It could, in fact, have been worse. Much worse.

@theres.d: I think it should be noted that 20 was the lowest possible answer…

If you enjoyed that, you can also find Hannah Fry on TikTok and YouTube.


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Source Hannah Fry Image Screengrab