Potential VP candidate Pete Buttigieg had a beautiful response to the Speaker’s horrible homophobic comment
With a few weeks left before the Democratic National Convention and little more than three months until the election, Democrats are rumoured to be considering a break with tradition and formally declaring Kamala Harris their nominee in the coming week.
At the same time, the current Vice President is expected to announce her chosen running mate.
Currently, former astronaut Mark Kelly and the Governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro appear to be the favourites, but Kentucky’s Andy Bashear, Governor Roy Cooper and Secretary Pete Buttigieg are all still very much in the running.
Kamala needs to pick Mark Kelly as a running mate, the only candidate who looks like a cross between Mike and Hank from Breaking Bad. pic.twitter.com/vnsqiAersA
— Tim Duffy™ (@TimDuffy) July 23, 2024
America is wild.
If Kamala picks Mark Kelly as her running mate, the battle will be…..
The Prosecutor and The Astronaut
The Felon and The Sofa Fucker
How is that even a choice?
— Fellaraktar (@fellaraktar) July 24, 2024
Mayor Pete, as he’s still known since being the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, spoke to Stephen Colbert last November about having to work with Mike Johnson – the extremely anti-LGBTQ Speaker of the House.
His answer is a masterclass in going high when they go low.
While @secretarypete’s household is beautifully chaotic with raising twin toddlers, it’s not the kind of chaos that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson warns of.#Colbert pic.twitter.com/WY4AdS4WJ6
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) November 3, 2023
“I come home from work and Chas is bringing the kids home from daycare and one of us is getting the Mac & Cheese and the other’s microwaving freezer meatballs and they won’t take their shoes off, and one needs a diaper change.
That is chaos but nothing about that is dark.”
In light of all the talk about Pete’s chances of being picked, @politicalplayer shared the clip again, bringing it to a new audience.
Watch. Pete Buttigieg responded to Mike Johnson saying his same-sex marriage is the “dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy” that will destroy the country.
My god, this man is a shining light. pic.twitter.com/yBjqU7srUS
— ًً (@politicalplayer) July 24, 2024
It went down very well.
The man is a communications genius. He will be president one day. Hold me to that.
— Owen Thompson (@OwenDredge93161) July 24, 2024
@SecretaryPete the single most qualified politician for the job. Veteran, Dad, former mayor, husband and hero. Eloquent speaker and active listener. He's suffered like most minority groups, so he has huge compassion and empathy. He like Joe Biden, is an underdog but fighter. Big…
— Captain Jordan Madison (@JetJordan1981) July 24, 2024
Such talent! https://t.co/35Eq21jYVX
— Laurence Tribe ⚖️ (@tribelaw) July 24, 2024
That's so much better than the answer I would have given, which would have been mostly bleeped out.
— Machine Pun Kelly (@KellyScaletta) November 3, 2023
A single, gay father (Pa Pa) what Mayor Pete said is spot on. It’s chaotic, but not dark. Come into our home and you’ll find nothing but empathy and love from my son and me. https://t.co/SXsRs0Y3hg
— Brandon M. Macsata (@Purple_Strategy) July 24, 2024
Moved almost to tears…definitely got chills!
— Renee Privateer (@ReneePrivateer) July 24, 2024
Republicans are nuts.
— Onision (@Onision) July 24, 2024
@SecretaryPete the single most qualified politician for the job. Veteran, Dad, former mayor, husband and hero. Eloquent speaker and active listener. He's suffered like most minority groups, so he has huge compassion and empathy. He like Joe Biden, is an underdog but fighter. Big…
— Captain Jordan Madison (@JetJordan1981) July 24, 2024
How dare Mike Johnson criticize a family because two parents are gay.
I wish I had Sec. Pete Buttigieg's ability to respond with such grace.
F**k Mike Johnson!#KamalaHasMyVote #DemsUnited pic.twitter.com/1E5440vU0z
— ️b mcarthur (he,him) (@bmcarthur17) July 24, 2024
If I could find a conservative as classy as this man, I may have a different opinion of them
— Conservative Blocker (@knewsnut) July 24, 2024
As someone, like many, who opens my mouth often when i only know the opening of what I want to say, Pete is a master of instantly knowing how he’s going to close before he even starts. Master communicator. Best in the game. https://t.co/80501587Xs
— Spencer Somers (@spensom) July 24, 2024
This is what people mean when they say that conservatives and puritans won't stop at k1nk and pr0n. This dude is the most straight laced family values gay dude on the planet, in pretty sure he was born in a suit. And this is what they call him. https://t.co/qdIcr7nXCE
— Dee Morris Wants to know if it's January yet (@DrunkDharma) July 24, 2024
Some people are an advertiser’s dream.
……………………….shit, now i want meatballs. https://t.co/AMfHYcU3lL
— buttitwins defense squad (@gracieminabox) November 3, 2023
Source colbertlateshow Image Screengrab