Twitter Andrew tate takedowns

This all-time great takedown of Andrew Tate just got even better and had the whole internet cheering

We’ve featured no end of fabulous takedowns of former Big Brother contestant Andrew Tate on these pages, and very entertaining they are too.

And if we were to compile a hall of fame for this sort of thing – you wouldn’t put it past us – this would be somewhere close to the very top.

It’s a fabulous example of the genre which has just gone wildly viral again on Twitter for reasons which will become obvious.

And just in case that’s tricky to read in full …

Absolute Alpha.

And it got even better when they shared an update with everyone on Twitter (no, not Tate). Different Twitter handle, same guy.

All kinds of awesome!

Steady on, let’s not get carried away.

To conclude …

Source @RightWingCope