Life advice

Men aged forty-something have been giving advice to men in their 20s, but you don’t have to be a bloke to appreciate these 19 top tips


“Learn a musical instrument and put time into a hobby.”


“Be as nice to others as they are to you. Know when to stop being nice and when to put your foot down. Stand your ground, but always know when to give an inch here or there.”


“There are 3 aspects of your life: Health; Career; and Relationships. If any one of these is neglected, your life will be miserable. Look after all 3.”


“In a bad relationship? Get out of it and enjoy the single life. Live on your own terms.”


“Although money does come and go but your youth doesn’t. Spent my early 20s working insane hours now I wish I didn’t tbh.”


“Be assertive about whether you want kids, and be prepared to lose love if you or your partner has to compromise on it. If you know you’re not cut out for it, don’t let someone tell you you are just to fill a blank in a story they told themselves when they were 6.”


“When you have kids spend all the time you can with them. They really do grow up so fast. One day when you pick your kid up you’re going to put them down for the last time because they’ve gotten too heavy and they’ve grown out of it.”


“As an advocate for men’s health, …Stop worrying about praise, money, the job, the future, or anything else that incurs anxiety. Just stick around and enjoy this precious gift of life.


“In general, you’re going to regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did.”

HCEarwick had a slightly different angle, but still very useful.

“As a man [in] his 50s I would tell a man in his 40s that he needs to forgive himself. The good news is today you have the opportunity to change that story, so what are you going to do?”


‘Welcome to your 40s’ – 19 hilariously honest tweets about ageing

Source r/AskReddit