Entertainment life

This story about “business partners” who appeared on a ’90s game show has the sweetest payoff – and an even bigger twist

Sure, most of the time, the internet is a fetid cesspool of the very worst of humanity (oh hey, Twitter/X!).

But sometimes we get sweet little gems like this story that blew up over the last week.

It started with this tweet from American Twitter/X user Tom Zohar. He was watching an episode of ‘Supermarket Sweep’ from 1991 (the US version, not the UK edition hosted by Dale Winton).

Tom joked that two male contestants on this episode, named Tim and Mark, called themselves “business partners” who “design sets for plays”. Tom’s bittersweet implication was that the guys were probably more than partners in business but a 1990s daytime show was probably not the safest environment to be out and proud.

And that looked like the end of the story. Tom’s funny tweet went viral and everyone got on with their lives.

Except, more was to come.

One of the guys in question, Tim Leach, saw the viral tweet and gave his own update on Facebook.

And from there, original poster Tom was able to share this update.

Entertainment Weekly then got further details from Tim, one half of the couple.

“As for our decision to introduce ourselves as business partners, that was true. We were partners in business at the time, but also we were a couple…We chose to say business partners because of the show being filmed in 1991. Also, there were a few family members who did not yet know about our relationship. The world has changed and now we are comfortable and proud to introduce ourselves as married.”

“…We realize there may be some who still do not understand or accept same-sex marriage, but we are happy that so many people have responded in a positive way to our story.”

Pretty sweet, right?

But there’s even MORE.

The couple then gave a more extensive interview to Slate.

In the course of the interview, Mark talks about how he struggled to come out to his dad. He eventually did, but then the story gets really wild.

Yep, after all that, Mark’s dad ended up marrying Tim’s mum.

Sometimes, life is stranger than fiction.

If you’re interested, someone also found the episode in question and posted it.

Love wins, people.


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Source: Twitter/X/@TimZohar

Images via EW and Facebook.