Entertainment celine dion New York Titanic

This New York bar’s bathroom will fulfil every Titanic fan’s peeing dreams

Dating can be so hard. You have to do whatever it takes to stand out from the crowd and hopefully secure a follow-up date.

Well, writer Lauren Badillo Milici might just have found a real keeper. They informed their Twitter/X followers about a date they were on recently. The guy was very excited for her to see the bathroom in a certain bar.

And boy, said bathroom did not disappoint.

Yes, that is a Titanic-themed bathroom you see. Note, this isn’t a bar connected to the Titanic or the movie. Instead the pub, in Queens in New York, has two bathrooms that are devoted to James Cameron’s 1997 Oscar-laden epic.

And in case you’re in the vicinity or have just booked your flights to go see it, Lauren provided more details about the bar:

It also turns out that the bar seems to play a lot of Celine Dion.

And indeed, it would seem the decor was inspired by a quick visit Celine once paid to the place.

Needless to say, this got Titanic/Celine/Kate & Leo fans very flustered.









There’s always someone to lower the tone, thankfully.


This woman’s Titanic defence of the rioters is giving people a sinking feeling

Source: Twitter/X/@motelsiren Image source: USA Today