News facepalm riots

This protestor’s attempt to disguise their identity wasn’t the win they thought it was and this A++ comeback said it best

It’s been a troubling, not to say outright depressing few days in the UK as far-right protestors went on the rampage in towns and cities across the country.

We’ve no reason to think this particular protestor was involved, obviously, but one thing’s for sure – they were very, very keen not to be easily identifiable.

Except whatever the hell they have on their head, it wasn’t the win they thought it was. For reasons which will surely be obvious to everyone … except him, as shared by the former editor of the Guardian over on Twitter.

And it prompted lots of funny responses …

… including some from people who simply didn’t get it, making the whole thing even better.

But there was one A++ comeback which surely said it all.

And so good it’s worth saying twice.

Bravo, both.

And because you can’t watch it enough (you might have seen it once or twice, or 300 times already …)


This straight-talking Scouser’s takedown of the rioters who burned down her local library had the entire internet cheering

Source @arusbridger