Pics guns

A ‘freedom loving’ American said what the UK really needed was the ‘right to bear arms’ and this fabulous comeback was bang on target

The news in the UK right now and indeed across the world is uncertain at best and terrifying at worst (we’re currently adopting the middle road of ‘plain old depressing’).

This American had an idea that might help her British cousins, a suggestion that we should adopt a Second Amendment style ‘right to bear arms’ which would make all our problems – well, quite a few of them – go away.

It was posited by @Phyllisthefree – not particularly recently by the looks of it – who describes themselves on Twitter thus: ‘I love Freedom, our Republic, a strong military and free markets. I hate socialists, feminazis, feminized, pantywaist men and profit without honor.’

And we mention it because it’s just gone viral again on Reddit because the fabulous comeback was bang on target.


And the comedy spelling mistake (predictive text, presumably – shoot!) just made it even better.

‘Congealed carry’ is when your fish&chips stayed in the bag too long, or what is she talking about?

‘Nah neither fish nor chips really congeal. You’re thinking about the mushy peas.’

‘Pocket full of gravy: carrying congealed.’

‘Something’s congealed all right.’

‘The only thing the UK needs to be congealed is custard.’


Reddit u/Green____cat