Pics relationships reviews

This fabulously funny 5-star hotel ‘review’ just went viral again and it’s revenge served burning hot

Chances are this won’t be the first time you’ve come across this 5-star hotel ‘review’ but if it is then you are in for a treat (and it if isn’t, then chances are you’ll want to enjoy it again).

It’s an appreciation of this particular establishment which flags the unexpected plot twist in the very first sentence. But it’s no worse for that because it just gets better and better, as shared by wtfboing777 over on Reddit.

We’ve obscured some identities but it’s probably far too late for that sort of thing.


And just a few of the comments it prompted this time round.

‘I can’t help but feel like the proprietor of the hotel is an innocent bystander in all of this. At least it was 5 stars, I guess.’

‘Luckily she didn’t bash the hotel. She made sure any detail she said about the hotel was positive.’

‘This is the reason hotels dont give information on their guests to anyone except the person on the reservation.’

‘She gave the five stars because they helped her expose his ass.’

‘I would rate this review as helpful.’


A ‘freedom loving’ American said what the UK really needed was the ‘right to bear arms’ and this fabulous comeback was bang on target

Source Reddit u/wtfboing777 Image Unsplash Urban Gyllström