News lbc nigel farage riots

Nigel Farage was asked if he’s worried about the police knocking on his door and he really doesn’t like it up him

Nigel Farage has been back on his old employer LBC to clarify that he absolutely, definitely, 100% was nothing to do with the far-right riots that have consumed towns and cities up and down the country in the wake of the Southport stabbings. Of course he wasn’t!

In an interview which really is worth watching in full (and we never thought we’d say that about Farage) he was asked about why he appeared to treat Andrew Tate, clown prince of the toxic manosphere, as a serious news source (and you can read all about that here).

Farage, who asked whether “the truth is being held from us” after the police deemed the Southport stabbings a “non-terror related incident”, was also asked if he was worried about getting a knock on the door from the cops.

And it’s fair to say the MP for Clacton didn’t like that, he really didn’t like that at all.

‘My client didn’t say the police lied, your honour, he just said they weren’t telling the truth.’

And here are our favourite things people said about the exchange which has gone wildly viral.

Last word to Tom Swarbrick’s LBC colleague James O’Brien …


Nigel Farage’s excuse for spreading misinformation was that he heard it from that bastion of reliability – Andrew Tate

Source @Haggis_UK