Politics brexit

This insight into the mind of a certain kind of little Englander just went viral again and it’s a proper crackerjack

The protests going on up and down the country right now have prompted no end of interviews with certain protestors whose points they are trying to make – to put it at its most kindly – aren’t the slam-dunk they thought they were.

Like this person, for instance.

And this person!

And to this particular hall of fame, such as it was, we can add this person.

It’s not from the protests in the UK right now but an exchange with Novara Media in the weeks after the Brexit referendum in 2016. And it’s a classic of the genre.


And you can see more of the exchange here (the West Ham fan was listening to reporter Ash Sarkar interviewing someone else when he asked if he could interrupt to share his thoughts).

And here are just a handful of the responses it prompted.

In two words …

Source @Luiseach