Twitter Piers Morgan Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson called Piers Morgan a ‘coward’ for blocking him and for once people found themselves agreeing with Morgan

We never thought we’d feel sorry for Tommy Robinson, and we were right. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, to call him by his real name, is currently hiding, sorry, on holiday in a Mediterranean hotel while the far-right mobs who idolise him go on the rampage in towns and cities across the country.

He’s fed up with people attempting to track him down to ask him about it, as we’ve already written about …

… and now he’s got the hump with Piers Morgan for blocking him on Twitter.

It started when Robinson accused Morgan of a spreading a ‘horrific lie’.

So Morgan did this.

And Robinson’s toys went straight out of the pram.

Morgan’s reply had the unusual effect of people actually agreeing with the former newspaper editor turned YouTuber.

And the fury of Robinson’s followers just made the whole thing even more satisfying.


Armando Iannucci has been magnificently taking Elon Musk down one tweet at a time and it’s a supremely satisfying read

Source @piersmorgan