Entertainment funny Garron Noone

People called TikTok star Garron Noone a sellout and he had the perfect, very funny response

You know that we all love a bit of Garron Noone around here.

Whether he’s rating pasta shapes, complaining about biscuit ratings, making a proper cup of tea, or even singing, the delicious comedian and musician from Mayo has never set a foot wrong, in our eyes.

It seems that not everybody agrees with us on that score, as he’s been getting a bit of hassle. We’ll let him explain, with a few NSFW words.

“Why wouldn’t you eat a biscuit for a few euro?”

Why, indeed?

TikTok users had his back.

Get your money, Garron. you’ve earned it.

I’ve been trying to sell out for years. No one is buying.

I ain’t met a biscuit I wouldn’t eat for free. Getting paid for it is just the icing on the cake.

The most honest influencer reaction I’ve seen.
Bec| London Foodie & Travel

Get your bag Garron! I’d sell out for so little it’s not even funny.

We’re happy to say that Garron’s message went down just as well on Twitter/X.

These reactions very much sum up how people feel about him – and his ‘selling out’.







We think hutto_art may have a point.

“You’re a sellout” is code for “I wish I was a sellout.


Garron Noone had a very funny ‘warning’ ahead of Ireland’s first space traveller making her flight

Source Garron Noone Image Screengrab