Weird World Andrew tate

This belated riposte to people mocking Andrew Tate in his little pants just made the whole thing even funnier (mildly NSFW)

You might recall – and we hesitate to draw your attention back to it any more than is strictly necessary – that picture of Andrew Tate which prompted so much mockery last week.

Now obviously there is never any excuse for body shaming – except when it’s at the expense of the clown prince of the toxic manosphere, obviously, who’d presumably be disappointed if we didn’t.

Just a reminder of the picture (and some of the mockery it prompted).

Like this, for example.

And indeed this!

That’s quite enough of that. But we mention it again because of this belated defence which is going viral on Twitter and made the whole thing even funnier.

We presume it’s not tongue in cheek (but you never know) and either way it’s a cracker, shared by @DanceyFrancy on Twitter.

And just a few of the things people said about it.

H/T @DanceyFrancy