Politics Andrew tate comebacks Liz Truss

Andrew Tate said Liz Truss was ‘the best chance the UK had’ and of all the replies Piers Morgan said it best

It’s been a bit of a week for Liz Truss, the former PM for 15 minutes who is still being haunted by the lettuce that outlasted her time in Downing Street.

Not for the first – or last – time, Truss found Herself out of step with public opinion after declaring the Led By Donkeys stunt was simply not funny.

And how furious about it was she? This furious.

The good news for Truss is that she can at least still rely on one high profile supporter. The bad news for Truss is that it’s Andrew Tate.

With supporters like this, who needs leaf vegetables?

And Tate’s declaration received no end of on-point responses …

… but Tate’s old sparring partner Piers Morgan surely said it best.

Tate wasn’t leaving it there.

And neither was Morgan.


Piers Morgan accused Liz Truss of ‘stomping off in a sulky strop’ and was owned into next week