Celebrity comedy Liam Neeson ricky gervais

Liam Neeson ‘trying improvisational comedy’ with Ricky Gervais has just gone wildly viral again

It’s fair to say that the news last year that Liam Neeson was going to star in a reboot of the Naked Gun series, filling the boots of the estimable Leslie Nielsen didn’t exactly set pulses racing.

Except maybe Neeson will be able to pull it off after all, after watching this clip from Ricky Gervais’s Life’s Too Short back in the day in which the great man tried his hand at improvisational comedy which has just gone wildly viral on Twitter.

And just a few of the many comments it prompted.

Source @ShooterMcGavin_

To conclude …

In one word.


People have been sending old clips of Airline viral and this hilarious 13 seconds soared high above the rest

Source @ShooterMcGavin_