Celebrity Liz Truss Piers Morgan takedowns

Piers Morgan accused Liz Truss of ‘stomping off in a sulky strop’ and was owned into next week

As you’ll no doubt know by now, former PM for 15 minutes Liz Truss wasn’t happy when the good people of Led By Donkeys unravelled a banner of a lettuce behind her at a speaking event in Suffolk.

Not only that, Truss later claimed that the stunt was nothing short of ‘far left suppression of free speech’.

And it prompted no end of totally on-point replies, the best of which we have round up here.

But there was one in particular that caught our eye, from former breakfast TV host turned YouTuber, Piers Morgan.

And he was right about the first bit, obviously. But the line about ‘stomping off in a sulky strop’ really caught people’s attention, for reasons which might already be obvious.

But just in case it’s not, basically the entire internet was on hand to help.

To conclude …


Liz Truss claimed her Led by Donkeys humiliation was Far Left suppression of free speech – 17 rousing rebuttals

Source @piersmorgan