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People have been sharing the ‘weirdest rules’ they had to follow at home when they were kids – 17 proper eye-openers

‘When my wife ( then girlfriend) and I moved in together she lit a candle that was on our coffee table

‘I was like “what the heck are you doing?!”

‘At that moment it dawned on me that some people actually burn candles…. As opposed the having them just for decoration……like my mom
‘I had inconsistent rules about what I couldn’t watch on TV or how I could sit based on who was watching me. Dad’s grandparents, I couldn’t watch Rugrats and Hey-Arnold! Even though I watched it a home all the time.

‘For way too long, they forced me to watch, good, albeit, little kid shows like Madeline and Bear in the Big blue house when I was 8 or 9.

‘When I was truly little, I could make pillow forts with couch cushions at my other grandparents, but one related great aunt, I wasn’t allowed to make a fort. Other grandparents I couldn’t watch Pokémon because it was of the devil due to evolution, but I could watch All-That!
‘My parents assumed eating food unseasoned was healthier for you, so we were forbidden to use salt, pepper and condiments in our meals for almost a decade.’
‘During the summers when my brother and I were home alone we were only allowed to watch Andy Griffith, Leave it to Beaver, or Barney. We had to write essays everyday detailing what happened in the episodes to prove we watched it. This continued until I was SIXTEEN.’
‘My cousin’s family didn’t let us listen to the offspring song “beheaded” bc it’s about decapitating your parents. We were 8.

‘My friends family didn’t let anyone use the word “fart” in their house. It had to be “fluff”. No idea what that was about
‘Don’t bring snakes inside.

‘To be fair, it was a reactionary rule.


‘We weren’t allowed to talk during meals. My parents said it was to teach us discipline, but it just made dinners really awkward.’


‘We never went out through the front door. Like, ever.’

Source Reddit Image Unsplash Tekara