This jaw-dropping tale of an aunt being mad at her niece for asking for more food makes your family look functional
Reddit’s AITA (Am I The Asshole) thread always provides so much insight into the foibles and awfulness of human nature. Long may it thrive!
This post, shared on Twitter/X by Andrew Lynch this week, went super-viral for its tale of bizarre family dysfunction. In the post, a woman talks about how her teenage daughter helped herself to a third helping of food at a family dinner hosted by the the woman’s sister/the girl’s aunt. And the sister/aunt was not impressed about the third plate.
AITA for assuming my daughter could have a 3rd plate
— Andrew Lynch (@GentlemanRascal) August 11, 2024
In case you have trouble reading that, here’s what it says:
“Throwaway because my sister knows my reddit and I don’t want this causing drama
“Yesterday, My sister hosted a family dinner at her house. It was one of those “just because” dinners, no special occasion. My sister is a great cook and she made tons of food for that one night. My daughter, was on her second plate by the end of the night.
“Once she finished she asked if she could get another one. I said yes. But my sister (her aunt) looked at her with a shocked expression and said “Another plate?”. My daughter turned around and gave a somewhat un comfortable look.
“My daughter is 16, and has 2 part time jobs to pay for some of her college tuition, so she usually doesn’t eat until 7-8pm. So I didn’t even blink twice when she got up to grab her 3rd plate.
“I turned to my sister and said she’s been working all day without anything to eat, you made tons of food, it won’t hurt for her to get another plate. My sister started yelling saying something about how it wasn’t my place to say if my daughter could get more of her food that she made.
“Now I do somewhat agree with that, and might be the A-hole because of that. Looking back I’m thinking maybe I should have asked?
“My daughter ended up not getting another plate, and the vibe was awkward now so we just decided to go. Before we left out the door my sister stopped me and told me I should’ve taught my daughter manners and how it isn’t right to get more than 1 plate at someone else’s house.
“I told my sister she was being ridiculous and somehow our voices got loud enough where my mom started to hear us in the small corner, she came over and started telling me she agreed with my sister and it was rude for my daughter to eat that many plates.
“I started to get fed up when they began telling me I wasn’t teaching her proper manners, so I left. Then of course they began texting my phone saying how it was rude to leave in the middle of our conversation. I don’t think I was the A-hole at all for leaving because I wasn’t going to stay in a place where I felt disrespected. But i’m not sure about the plate thing.
“So am I the A-hole for assuming my daughter could get another plate?”
Well, people had thoughts and feelings on this. A lot of thoughts and feelings …
I dont think ive ever experienced more shock then opening a reddit AITA and seeing like 19/20 of the top comments calling OP the asshole
— Basil☀️ (@LinkofSunshine) August 11, 2024
Every family meal I’ve been to is like:
“Dinner will be ready at 5:00. Have some snacks while you’re waiting.”
“Food’s ready. There’s plenty for everyone.”
“Do you want more?”
“Did you get dessert?”
“Take some home with you!”— Fungusaur (@Fungusaur) August 11, 2024
Holy shit. In ANY home I was in when I was 16, the cook would have been fucking STOKED for someone having a 3rd plate. Its a compliment isnt it? THe whole “growing girl/boy” thing? NTAH IMO
— The Wealthy Wrist (@Thewealthywrist) August 11, 2024
This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard in my life , how do you have a family that’s close enough to have a just because dinner but want you to ask permission to eat seconds? If I’ve invited you to my home to eat , then you may eat until it’s gone and then I will find…
— Heather Teixido (@teixido_heather) August 11, 2024
Oh, hell, no. I always make too much food, and I try to send as much of it home with kids and grandkids as I can. In any case, I literally cannot imagine telling any guest, much less a family member, that they couldn’t have a third (or fourth or…) plate.
— Bruce F. Webster (@bfwebster) August 11, 2024
I wonder if the conversation would have been different if it had been a teenage son. Never had a daughter but I can tell you teenage boys go through a kitchen like a herd of locusts (especially after sports practice). That’s considered okay but it seems girls are supposed to be…
— Sam’s Mom (@samsmom83) August 11, 2024
Help! The swedes are having guests over at dinner time again!
— Lila Krishna (@lilastories) August 11, 2024
obviously NOT italians
— Mr Bo The Cat (@MrBoDaCat) August 11, 2024
If you don’t want your guests to eat seconds, they aren’t your guests, they’re your prisoners.
— Julio Menendez (@Julio_Econ) August 11, 2024