‘What’s a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find really annoying?’ – 19 blood-boiling behaviours
Everyone has their pet peeves. Maybe you hate it when people talk while they eat, or perhaps cutlery dragging on plates gets under your skin.
One of the worst things about these annoying habits though is that they’ve been normalised. Meaning you’ll look like the nutter for correcting someone else’s behaviour.
Misery loves company though, and Reddit user spacewalkerstarfield encouraged people to share their grievances with this question:
‘What’s a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find really annoying?’
And because the internet is filled with people ready and raring to share their angry thoughts (who knew?) there were a lot of replies. Here are some of the best:
‘Throwing cigarette butts on the ground. Lots of people complain about smoking, fairly, but I like a cigarette occasionally and don’t mind the smell. However, it is infuriating and disgusting that everyone I know and see will just toss their garbage on the ground.’
‘Groups of people that occupy the entire sidewalk and see you coming and don’t make space for you to pass by, having to step down on the road to keep walking, hate those people and is too common…’
‘Bringing extra people (whom I don’t know) to a meal without asking.’
‘When people don’t understand that listening is the most important part of the conversation.’
‘Not everything has to be filmed.’
‘People congregating in doorways, particularly when there is plenty of non-doorway space available.’
‘People who stop in the middle of a busy walkway to check their phones. it’s like they think they’ve hit pause on the world.’
‘People who talk loudly on speakerphone in public places.’
‘Kids blasting whatever TV show on their iPads in the middle of a restaurant while I’m trying to eat. The kids can watch whatever but somebody teach them to use headphones.
‘Being expected to be constantly available via social media chat, text, call at any & all hours. If you try to ‘opt out’ it’s seen as weird or antisocial.’