Life reddit

‘What’s a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find really annoying?’ – 19 blood-boiling behaviours


‘Being on your phone while having an in person conversation with someone. Like hello, I’m right here not in your screen!’


‘At work, if someone leaves early no one bats an eye, but if you’re just a few minutes late you can get in hot water. Just one of those interesting societal norms I noticed.’


‘Filming strangers. It’s one thing if you’re just taking a holiday snap or something and there’s people in the background but actually pointing your camera at strangers without consent solely for the purpose of making videos of them to post online is not cool. I get it’s legal to do so in most public places.’


‘Putting down every thing on the internet.

‘A movie just came out? Sucks. Music just dropped ? Sucks. Someone made some food? Sucks. Celebrity had a bad day and yelled at someone? Sucks and they should lose their career. There is nothing positive on the internet now. Everything “sucks ”

‘And if you do happen to enjoy something , some shithead will certainly try to break you down over it.’


‘People that don’t use their turn signals.’


‘Networking. I hate it. A bunch of people playing the “notice me and be impressed” game. Attending events just so people know you exist in the hopes that some day, some random person from the hundreds of people you made eye contact with will hire you for something else.

‘I’ll keep my boring little job and not attend time wasting events, thanks.’


‘Bringing your fucking dog everywhere, including in stores!! And I freaking love dogs, but come on. Don’t just assume they can come to social gatherings.’


‘Asking quiet people “why are you so quiet? speak more!”

‘If I answer ” why are you so loud? Speak less!” I am the asshole.’


‘Talking over each other!

‘So many people are not aware when they are interrupting someone else who’s talking and just talk over it. Thank god for the people listening who do not switch their attention to the interrupter and keep listening to the first person talking.

‘But it happens way too often without people addressing this much.’

Source Reddit u/spacewalkerstarfield