17 jobs that people think are just not worth the money
Have you ever found yourself saying “You couldn’t pay me to do that job?”?
For some, it could be working as a teacher. For others, working in retail.
These aren’t judgements or disses on certain jobs. It’s just that some people can’t imagine having to face the public all day every day, or deal with little kids, or have the killer instinct to make commission-based sales. Not to mention the physical and emotional toll of some jobs.
So there was a wide range of responses when Reddit user @abashedpeter asked:
What job would you never accept (regardless of the salary)?
Sewer diving or whatever it’s called. The guys who literally submerge themselves in shit to fix/upkeep the sewer system. Not talking bad abt em at all, i literally just would NOT be able to handle that.
“Not beneath me but above me. Those dudes that free climb and change lights on transmission towers. Pays really well. No, thank you.”
“Cave diving jobs. Nothing on earth will ever possess me to travel through a claustrophobic cave and risk my life.”
“Putting down unwanted animals at the pound.”
-throw123454321purple“About 3 weeks ago I went with my girlfriend to put her 20 year old cat down, literally a few months away from 21. I’ve never been much of a cat person but we decided to be in the room when they put him down. Let me tell you I cried like a little girl when they put him down. Truly don’t know how vets can do that on a regular basis without burning out.”
“Slaughterhouse work. I just don’t think it’s possible to kill animals on an industrial scale every day and it not take a toll on you.”
“Any offshore oil job or cruise can’t be away from family and miss out on life for few extra bucks.”
“Window cleaner on skyscrapers. Just no.”
“A friend of mine is an Executive Admin for three C-level executives. I used to be envious of her salary (something like 90k after bonuses) but then I started noticing how her life was not her own.”
“We were all out on a Saturday around midnight and she got a call from one of them asking if so and so has sent a certain email yet. That’s when I realized there wasn’t enough money in the world to get me to do it, and even if there was I wouldn’t last a week.”
“[US President] No matter what you do at least half the country hates you personally, you need to make life and death decisions, and while I’m not sure of this, I suspect there are people who, if you don’t do what they say, will murder you and everyone you love and make it look like a fluke or accident. Yeah, no thank you.”