Entertainment dance

This guy’s rave dancing is impressive, hypnotic and very, very disturbing

OK, we admit that we aren’t particularly connoisseurs when it comes to the art of dance in all of its forms. Ballet, breakdancing, Strictly – we can pretty much take it or leave it (preferably leave it).

So it’s quite rare that we see a clip of someone dancing which stops us in our tracks.

Twitter/X user Make mine a double has posted a clip of someone popping and locking to rave track Hahaha! by SMF (nope, us neither) which is nightmarishly mesmerising. It’s like something from a David Lynch fever dream.

Dare you look?

We need a lie down after that, but we admit he’s got some talent and a unique style. Let’s have a look at the comments…






Turns out the dancing guy is on TikTok, so for more of this kind of thing you can follow him at maykonreplay


This recreation of an iconic dance from Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every way

Source maykonreplay H/T make mine a double Image Screengrab