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What are signs that you might not be as attractive as you believe? – 17 ego-destroying reality checks

Being attractive is of course very subjective and not dependent on looks alone. That being said, most people have an estimation of where they stand in the scheme of things.

But what if your self-perception is off? What if you’ve got things wrong and your idea of your own attractiveness is inaccurate? How would you ever know?

Well, that’s exactly what’s being chewed over on r/AskReddit, where users are chipping in with their responses to this question:

What are signs that you might not be as attractive as you believe?

Here are some of the most insightful answers. We’ll understand if you too need to have a lie down and reassess everything about yourself.


Without info, people assume you’re single.


When little children openly call you ugly.


You have to make a certain face when you look in the mirror.


Nobody looks at you or acknowledges you. If you don’t insert yourself into social situations you aren’t seen unless someone needs something from you.


People just don’t pay as much attention to you.


I’ve straight been told by an ex, “You aren’t hot enough to be this much of an asshole” So that I guess.


Always being told you look tired.


No one hits on you.
No one looks at you in a come-hither fashion.
No one compliments you.
