Reddit asked for things we can be incredibly proud of in the UK – 23 heartwarmingly British plus points
There are a lot of things to be unhappy about when it comes to living in the UK, as the recent riots clearly demonstrated. However, it’s not all bad, and Brits still have plenty of reasons to smile. Over on Reddit, user Whosentyounow asked:
‘What is one thing we can still be incredibly proud of in the UK?’
And the answers will give Brits a lovely, wholesome glow.
‘Musicians, some of the best bands/artists in the world are British.’
‘The British plug and socket. Some of the best engineering ever.’
‘As someone who has adopted the UK as their home country, the humour is the best bit. The language is wonderful and allows for this lovely banter.’
‘British TV programmes and series are endlessly delightful with their dark satire. No other culture can claim to be so consistently inventive and good-natured when spitting deadly venom, and the endless self-deprecation is charming. The bite is only understood by people used to extreme politeness and passive-aggressiveness, and that passivity dulls its power, but it’s charming nonetheless. Every other country’s productions end up looking like dumb, aggressive blowhardery. Source: a Frenchman, but don’t tell anyone I said it.’
‘Queueing, the way we queued up during the pandemic made me proud to be British.’
‘David Attenborough.’
‘Sunday Roasts.’
‘The Red Arrows display team. Arguably, the best at what they do in all of the world.’
‘The piss taking. I know it sounds daft but whenever I see these posts where people say ‘I’ve moved to the US and tripled my salary and have a significantly better quality of life’, I can’t help but think that sounds all well and good until you realise you are surrounded by humourless Yanks who are really overly nice about everything and don’t understand the joy in mercilessly taking the piss out of everything.
Apart from the Australians I don’t think anyone can really compete with us on our level of shithousery.’
‘Yorkshire pudding, tea, the NHS for all its faults, the arts, but mostly Yorkshire pudding, tbh.’
‘Our breakfast.
Also, despite what we see in the news at the moment, we are overwhelmingly a tolerant, helpful, caring people. As a society we do our best to help those less fortunate. Those in fear, those in pain and those who are suffering. We do it imperfectly, and there will always be room for improvement, but the effort reflects our national character. And it is far from the ugliness in the news.’
‘I have spent a decent chunk of time in Europe and for all their cafe culture and their bars, they just don’t really have pubs. At least not on the scale and quality we have. Maybe an old wooden bar here and there. But consistently across the UK there are brilliant pubs up and down the country. I have six pubs near where I live in about a 15 minute walk. I work in a pub. I love the small subcultures that emerge. The odd quirks of the customers, The atmosphere, the warm muddy music that plays somewhere from the speakers. The old men turn up like clockwork every day at specific times of day for a pint of bitter.’