Life funny reddit

Reddit asked for things we can be incredibly proud of in the UK – 23 heartwarmingly British plus points


‘Independent courts. I have 100% trust on judiciary system in this country and this just makes me feel safe and peaceful as an immigrant. You don’t need to take my word, just look around the world and you can see that many businesses still make legal contracts even outside of Britain which are based on English & Wales legal system.’


‘The fantasy myths legends and fairy tales. King Arthur, Robin Hood, Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk. Warhammer is a modern example of brilliant British storytelling. Harry Potter spawned a whole new world of magic for so many kids. Alice in Wonderland and The Chronicles of Narnia are both quintessentially British.’


‘Your history and nature writers are second to none. I really enjoy reading Peter Ackroyd and Robert MacFarlane. I love your blue plaque designations around London, too.’


‘Greggs. Ain’t nothing a Greggs can’t fix.’


‘The swift and peaceful transition of power.’


‘Plugs, music, humour, the Magna Carta, biomedical advancements (e.g. discovery of penicillin), the mechanics of our government (the template for many other governments the world over), queuing, the principle of ‘manners maketh man’, our rich literary tradition (Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen etc.), our world-leading universities (Oxbridge, Imperial, LSE etc.) — to name a few.

We have a penchant for complaining but we must not forget how privileged we are to live in such a wonderful country.’



‘The countryside! Anywhere in the UK, it’s just so beautiful. Landing into the UK is so magical because it’s just endless amounts of green.’


‘Most of Radio 4.’


‘Hardcore, jungle, garage, dnb, grime, dubstep. These are the only things that make me feel patriotic.’


‘Our ability to seethe inwardly, but remain surface-level polite. Incredible skill.’


‘Our NHS! There are issues sure, but allowing everyone health care regardless of their economic circumstances is something we have got right as a country.’

One aspect of life in the UK that got a surprising amount of love was our government website …

‘Gov dot uk – might not be the prettiest website, but my goodness is it easy to use. I lived abroad for a while and their government website was shocking. Made it worth moving back for.’

And so did our love of the bantz, which surely peaked with this incredible moment of national lampoonery …

‘Boaty McBoatface. No other nation would come up with something so brilliant.’


‘What ‘improvements’ have actually made British life worse?’ – 23 frustratingly recognisable peeves

Source r/AskUK Image Unsplash