Life reddit

‘What one thing would you ban in the UK if you could?’ – 21 everyday irritants


‘Glitter. That stuff is so annoying and must be terrible for the environment.’


‘People voting in referenda on subjects they have utterly no clue about.’


‘Selling chips for more than £3.50.’


‘I know we all love to complain about public transport, but for the majority of city centres in the UK it is at least possible to drive to a station and take the train in. Or even to a park and ride site and take the bus in. Put in a car club for city centre residents (most of whom are not likely to own a car anyway), and watch them improve drastically.

Most city centres get utterly ruined by traffic. Very few people want to spend time on streets clogged with traffic unless there is a major attraction there.’


‘Ebikes/scooters. In theory I think they’re great. In practice, enough people have proven that they can’t be trusted to not use them like pricks.’


‘Rude doctors office receptionists and the long wait times.’


‘Putting a bag or coat on the seat next to you on public transport. Especially if there are few or no seats free.’


‘Terribly managed private companies in charge of necessities for society like water and transport.’


‘Phones in cinemas.’

Plenty of deeply annoying things there, which most of us would probably like to see the back of. However, this one seemed to sum the exasperation up best…


‘Being a dickhead. Broad I know, but covers a lot of stuff.’

Add all these to the list for when you become Prime Minister.


Reddit asked for things we can be incredibly proud of in the UK – 23 heartwarmingly British plus points

Source r/AskUK Image Unsplash