News comebacks oasis

An Oasis fan bemoaned young women buying tickets for their Britpop heroes and this A++ comeback got a standing ovation

There is of course an Oasis fan of a certain age who will be super excited about the reunion of Liam and Noel Gallager for a 14-date tour of the UK and Ireland announced today.

And when we say Oasis fan of a certain age, we obviously mean this.

But it’s not just people who might not have had the chance to see them first time round who will be buying tickets. Some of them might actually be young and – gasp – some of them might also be women.

And we say that because it was an issue highlighted by this Oasis fan – well, we presume they are a fan – over on Twitter.

And we’re glad they did – sort of – because it got lots of very funny and totally on-point responses.

But surely no-one said it better than this exchange which began like this.

To which @BillyCorcoran replied that they’re only 30.

And then this happened …



The Oasis reunion sent this child’s question for Liam Gallagher viral again and it’s just fabulous

Source @BillyCorcoran @don_dapper