Videos coronation street oasis

The Oasis reunion had the unlikely effect of sending this Corrie killing viral and it’s quite the watch

Of all the things we could have expected Liam and Noel Gallagher’s reunion to send viral, it definitely wasn’t this.

There was that Liam Q&A with a bunch of kids, of course, and there was this fabulous tale of Liam’s encounter with Paul McCartney.

And of course this wonderful Kevin and Perry sketch.

And also – we’re getting to the point, honest – there was this, a particularly memorable moment from Coronation Street, all the way back in 2007, when Charlie Stubbs got exactly what was coming to him.

Nope, we didn’t see it coming either.


An Oasis fan bemoaned young women buying tickets for their Britpop heroes and this A++ comeback got a standing ovation

Source @randomstuffxzxz