Videos liam gallagher oasis

The Oasis reunion sent this child’s question for Liam Gallagher viral again and it’s just fabulous

As you will obviously know by now, Oasis are reforming for a 14-date tour of the UK and Ireland next year, 16 years after their most acrimonious of splits.

And whether you like them or not, it’s basically the only thing anyone can talk about right now and very excited (or indignant) people are about it too.

One unforeseen and most welcome side effect of the news was to send this moment from a Liam Gallagher children’s Q and A wildly viral on Twitter and it’s just fabulous.

Take a bow everyone involved!

And there was more – a lot more – where that came from.

And here are just a few of the comments it prompted.

To conclude …


The Oasis reunion frenzy sent this brilliant Kevin and Perry sketch viral again – and we’re mad for it

Source @JFrankensteiner