Celebrity national trust Stephen Fry

The ‘greatest thing to happen on Twitter’ has just gone viral again and the NT’s reply to Stephen Fry totally nailed it

It’s fair to say that Twitter wasn’t what it was even before Elon Musk bought it, and now it’s become something like a shadow of its former, happy go lucky self.

But there remains joy to be had, sometimes entirely new and just occasionally old exchanges that go viral again and this really is straight out of the top drawer.

Stephen Fry started it and the National Trust finished it – in style.

‘I still think this might be the greatest thing on Twitter, ever.’ said John O’Connell – @jdpoc on Twitter – who sent it into the stratosphere again.

And just in case that’s tricky to read in full, here it is again.

Bravo both!

Source @jdpoc