Round Ups r/AskReddit

What’s the scariest conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard? – 16 examples that will make you tremble in your tinfoil hat

The world is an odd place, meaning that it would be somewhat naive to take it at face value. Hence why there are conspiracy theories for everything from the attempted assassination of Donald Trump to the moon landing.

But over on Reddit, user OutlandishnessSea258 wanted to know:

What’s the scariest conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard?

And the answers make for some chilling reading – if you’re brave enough to look at them …


That arresting the people in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book would bring this world to a grinding halt because of how many disgusting rich people there are in power.


Those Facebook memes of posting a current selfie and a photo of you taken 10 years ago, is to program facial recognition software.


In the early 1980s, Coca-Cola deliberately removed “Coke Classic” (made with cane sugar) from production and introduced “New Coke” (a.k.a. “Coke II”) as a ruse, knowing full well that people would complain that it “wasn’t the same as before,” so they staged an apology commercial from Coke’s CEO saying “we’re sorry; we hear you” (when has a CEO ever said that??? LOL), and re-introduced “Coke Classic” with corn syrup instead of cane sugar, knowing that by the time it was re-released, the market’s inventory of the original “Coke Classic” had largely been distributed and consumed, so very few people (if any) could actually compare them side-by-side to see if they tasted the same.

BTW, the tariffs on cane sugar were increased ginormously just before they did this, which was a way to encourage domestic corn production.

TL;DR – Coke pulled a switch-a-roo by changing sweeteners and lied saying that it was the exact same as before.


The food we have been eating in the United States is a huge part of the mental illness going on today.


Dark Forest Theory: we can’t find any evidence of extraterrestrial life because the smart ones are hiding, and the dumb ones have been killed by… something else.


That the public school system sucks because it was deliberately designed to fail the kids, forcing them to shuffle off to the factories once their dreams are crushed at graduation.


A small one:

Samsung announced that the Galaxy Watch 4 would include a non-invasive continuous glucose monitor, which would allow you to monitor your blood sugar at any time while you wear it, for as long as you own it.

A months before the 4 was released, that feature quietly disappeared from all of the marketing, without explanation, and now, years later, is nowhere to be found.

I believe Abbott Laboratories, makers of the FreeStyle Light glucometer and the FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitor systems, panicked, fearing that a non-expiring, non-invasive glucose monitor would be hugely popular among diabetics, and devastate their death-grip on the market, paid a huge bribe to Samsung to drop the whole thing.


Micro plastics are making men infertile. Children of men otwo.


I love/hate the idea that the existence of the uncanny valley implies the existence of something that looks human but wasn’t quite human and we needed to fear it.


There is no witness protection program. The government prepares people to cut all ties and then just kills them instead of relocating.


Russia and China use social media to try to make Americans insane, and it’s working.

Oh, and this has been proven true, and I fully believe it.


That a cure for cancer and near-infinite energy sources have already been found, but are being kept in the dark by Big Pharma and Big Oil because there’s too much money locked up in the system to let it get out.


That we might be living in a simulated reality controlled by advanced beings.


Avril Lavigne dying and being replaced by Melissa.


That eyes wide shut was more of a documentary than a movie. The death of Kubrick before the release and the Final Cut never being released really make it suspicious.


That Trump is working with a so called white hat alliance to rid the world of an elite deep state.

SmellyBalls454 had a terrifying theory.

Hmmmmmmmm I’m gonna talk about it because it still scares me to this day….. It has to do with reality……. So simple…… and so scary at the same time… I am almost 100% positive it is real.


People have been sharing their favourite ‘lowest stake conspiracy theories’ and this one knocked the rest out of the park

Source: r/AskReddit Image: Screengrab