Round Ups r/AskReddit

What’s an adult problem you were not prepared for? – 17 adulting dilemmas taking people by surprise


Idk if this counts as one but I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older I can’t stand loud noises.


Bad people get promoted at work, often for using their awful qualities in despicable ways. Being honest and hardworking are not considered leadership qualities at many large companies.


Dealing with finances. Did not pay enough attention when young and now at 55 fearing I may never retire as I won’t be financially able too


No amount of sleep during the work week is adequate. I have to “waste” a portion of my weekend on sleeping in every week to catch up.


Wanting to do stuff but just not having energy. Like, I want to be creative and play video games but I just can’t muster any energy to do it. I’m just so freaking tired all the time and I’m freaking tired of doing things.


figuring out how to fix leaky faucets without calling for help


understanding taxes and the endless paperwork that comes with them


Making friends. As a kid, you’re in school, forced to be around a kid if others mostly like-minded. As an adult, you might connect with a coworker or two but generally making friends and strengthening this relationships are nearly a second job.

This might be worse than when the police start looking like children.

Having a boss that’s younger than me.


What should you be able to do as an adult, but can’t? – 17 missing skills

Source: Pexels