Celebrity conservatives David tennant doctor who

Kemi Badenoch kicked off her Tory leadership bid by taking aim at David Tennant and was owned into the next dimension

Not long now until Rishi Sunak is no longer leader of the Conservative Party although given the opposition leader’s profile since his calamitous election defeat you could be forgiven for thinking he had shipped off to California long ago.

And among those hoping to succeed Sunak as Tory part leader is Kemi Badenoch, who kicked off her campaign on Twitter – where else – by re-igniting her row with former Doctor Who star, David Tennant.

Tennant, one of the great if not the greatest Doctor, memorably told the British LGBT Awards ceremony a few months back that he wished Badenoch would “shut up” as he collected a prize for his support for the transgender community.

And very possibly taking aim at the Doctor wasn’t the wisest way to kick things off, prompting a widespread panning all over social media.

These people surely said it best.






