Life Andrew tate

Andrew Tate gave people an insight into his ‘ultimate man cave’ and of all the comebacks Paul Sinha surely said it best

Time now to return – briefly – to the world of the clown prince of the toxic manosphere, Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, who took offence at people who were mocking him for living in what looks very much like a warehouse.

Tate – appearing at a courtroom near you some time soon! – was at pains to point out it’s not his only home (honest!) but that yes, it did used to be a warehouse.

But now it’s a cool warehouse, a really, really cool warehouse. Because, look.

The very definition of protesting too much, the insight into his home life served only to prompt an avalanche of mockery. And scorn. And more mockery.

But it was surely comedian, Chaser and erstwhile Taskmaster contestant Paul Sinha who said it best

And because we’re talking Tate, it reminded us of this from a day or two back.

To conclude …


John Cleese vs MAGA was only ever going to go one way – and it’s a joy to behold