Celebrity comebacks donald trump mark hamill

Donald Trump’s rambling answer about childcare prompted no end of comebacks but Mark Hamill’s A++ response scored top marks

Donald Trump has been going wildly viral today except not for reasons he wold have hoped for.

There was the clip where he said he took care of the economy just like his own business – and was owned into next week.

And then there was this clip in which he was asked a question about childcare with the proviso – you’ll hear it for yourself – that he be specific.

And … well, best have a listen for yourself (you’ll get the idea soon enough).

And here it is in full!

It prompted no end of very funny and totally on-point comebacks.

But it was surely the great Mark Hamill – not for the first (or last) time who said it best.

Top marks!

Last word to @MarkHamill.


That ‘Walz family members vote for Trump’ story was so thin even Fox News’ Jesse Watters fact checked it

Source @MarkHamill