Twitter Andrew tate Conor mcgregor ireland

Andrew Tate said he’d vote for Conor McGregor as Ireland president and of all the comebacks this said it best

It may potentially have passed you by that UFC star Conor McGregor has announced his intention to run to be the next president of Ireland.

It’s not the first time McGregor has suggested a move into politics, which previously prompted Elon Musk to suggest it was ‘not a bad idea’. Which presumably means it definitely is.

Anyway, we mention it this time round because it caught the attention of Andrew Tate, the self-confessed misogynist and clown prince of the toxic manosphere who took time out from hanging around outside Romanian courtrooms to came forward with his support.

And it prompted no end of funny and totally on-point comebacks.

But surely no-one put it better than this.


To conclude, just in case he still needs reminding …


People can’t stop looking at Russell Brand’s face as he posed for pictures after his Tucker Carlson pray-in

Source @TheNewReview2