Celebrity comedy metro sexism

Lucy Beaumont’s calling out sexism in the comedy industry and Metro accidentally totally proved her point

The great Lucy Beaumont has been on Twitter calling out sexism in the comedy industry, asking why more women aren’t on TV panel shows and in comedy club line-ups.

The writer, actress and comedian – and star of Hullraisers and Meet the Richardsons – said the industry was in danger of going backwards, but deleted her initial tweet – asking ‘where’s all your f-cking women?’ because of ‘horrific trolling’.

Here’s just a little bit of what she had to say.

‘Basically you can search every city for comedy this month I reckon about 90 percent have either no women or woman on the bill. Some have one woman a month!! Back to 15 years ago and don’t get me started on tv panel shows ! It’s become okay again.

‘Let’s just call “most” of them what they really are – male panel shows that book a woman and male comedy clubs that tolerate women, the banter changes, the atmosphere becomes competitive and women don’t grow or shine or get equal employment.’

And just one example of the kind of trolling she had to put up with (the original tweet can’t be viewed, but it doesn’t take long to guess what it said).

And we mention it not because it’s such an important issue, but because of how Metro initially reported it which accidentally, unfortunately – and magnificently – illustrated just the point she was trying to make, highlighted by fellow comic Jo Caulfield.

Ooof (the story has since been updated and you can read it here).

Last word(s) to @LucyABeaumont.

And very last of all, this!

Source @Jo_Caulfield