Life Ask Reddit

‘What’s the most NSFW/WTF reason someone got fired from your place of employment?’ – 21 outrageous career-ending tales


‘Two of my buddies in a rug warehouse got fired for ‘forklift jousting’.’


‘I had to fire a dude for refusing to zip up his pants. He sat around with no belt, waistband unfastened and fly all the way down. He would zip everything up when he walked around but at his desk it was open season. His excuse was jock itch.’


‘Guy would eat his lunch while sitting on the toilet in the men’s room. I guess enough people complained.’


‘Had a former coworker that had an unusual anger management solution. Whenever he would get in a serious disagreement or argument with a coworker, he would write their name on a large caliber bullet and display it on his desk.

‘Although management had been asked to address him, they continually ignored him and blew off concerns. He had quite a row going before he eventually began writing names of management. It was then when management took notice and ended up terminating him.’


‘Shared a dick pic in the team WhatsApp group. This was before delete message feature.’


‘Someone in our CS department got fired their first week for trying to sell drugs in the office, right out in the open too. He wasn’t even trying to hide what he was doing.’


‘Worked at a RV factory and somebody kept shitting in the newly built RV toilets. A reward was offered and eventually the shit bandit was caught and fired.’


‘I worked in a lab that had a high powered vacuum system to remove powdered sample residue from the grinder. New hire dude put his dick in to get an epic blow job.

‘The vac fractured his penis and it immediately swelled his penis to the size of the hose so the paramedics had to cut a section on the hose off before transporting him. Fired on day one.’


‘My buddy got drunk with coworkers in an office job in Sydney. A small group of four returned to the office and did some petty vandalism. He chose to open his bosses sliding desk drawer and do a poo and then slide the drawer back in. All four were fired the next morning.’

‘Plenty of horror stories there, and here’s one more that will be a comfort for those of us who have worried about getting a little bit tipsy at after-work drinks…


‘I used to work in a place with a subsidised bar. Heavily subsidised – £1.50 for a glass of wine, £4 for a cocktail (really nice cosmopolitans and manhattans). Excellent prices for central London in 2017. Obviously we all scampered up to the bar when it was open at 5pm on a Friday and drank the well dry.

‘One of the contractors got too heavily into the cocktails, went to the loo, and whilst she was in there passed out, hit her head on the sink and shat herself. They had to get security to open the door after people were worried after hearing moans of pain from within, and then the ambulance came and took her away, shit-stained trousers and all.

‘She didn’t get fired, but she never came back, bless her. We all had an email reminding us to behave with more decorum during Friday drinks from then on.’

Source r/AskReddit Image Freepik