Round Ups Ask Reddit

People have been sharing their country’s national traits that always bamboozle visitors – 17 especially confusing culture shocks


‘In my family’s home country, it is normal to “try” things out in food stands, like, just shove your hand in the pile and try one, you like it? You buy by weight from the pile of whatever it is you tried.

‘And it is apparently totally acceptable to just snack on whatever while you shop and browse through the store, as long as you buy something at the end. I had a massive cultural shock on my first visit.’


‘Saying that we have several loonies in our pants.’


‘Coming over around diner time unannounced, fully expecting to be welcome and invited to dine with them.’

‘Rootbeer floats. I tried to introduce this American delicacy to some German friends. They thought I was playing a trick on them. Thought it was so weird and gross they wouldn’t even try it.’


‘If we’re having a casual gathering at a house, we usually don’t sit on long tables but put newspapers on the floor as a makeshift “dining table” and sit around it to eat.

‘I’ve had parties like this my whole life and it was only when my foreigner friends got culture shock from it did I realize it’s not a norm in other countries.’


‘Making straw doll at the end of winter, setting her aflame and throwing into the river – especially popular in schools and among parents with children.’


‘My country has 13 months in a calendar year. Our clock starts at 6 instead of 12 so if it were 3pm we would say it’s 9. Aaaand we don’t eat meat or dairy products on Wednesdays and Fridays.’


‘Turn left at the robots.’

Source: r/AskReddit, image: Unsplash