US donald trump Taylor Swift US elections

This Trump-loving ‘woke warrior’ took aim at Taylor Swift’s air miles and this magnificent comeback was simply first class

There’s an account on Twitter called @EndWokeness which, as the name suggests, is dedicated to ‘fighting, exposing, and mocking wokeness.’

And it will come as no surprise to anyone anywhere that it is also a big fan of number one climate change sceptic, Donald ‘walking oil spill’ Trump.

So naturally it took aim at singer Taylor Swift, the childless cat lady who this week endorsed Kamala Harris for president.

And while it prompted a little bit of well-intentioned (and valuable) fact-checking …

… what we’re really here for was this magnificent comeback which went wildly viral because, well, look.

First class!


Trump officially balk-balk-balks at facing Kamala Harris in another debate – 21 favourite takedowns

Source @nba_yb_tv